Are you seeking participants for your research project?

We would love to hear from Narrative Practice Research Network members wishing to connect with potential research participants. We can share your calls right here on the website, and in our occasional email newsletter. Send Claire a message at 

Using narrative therapy with parents

Ciara Hart, who is conducting PhD research at Monash University, is looking for narrative therapists to take part in research investigating the experiences of therapists working with clients who are parents.

Interviews will take 30 to 60 minutes, and will be conducted via phone or Zoom.

For more information and to participate, please visit

This study has the approval of the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (Project number 27250).





Exploring perspectives on how creativity is used in narrative therapy to disrupt normative ideas

Doctoral researcher Jess Stubbs at University College London is looking for narrative practitioners to complete an online questionnaire and a one-to-one interview about experiences of using creativity to disrupt normative ideas. Jess would like to talk to people who use narrative therapy and collective narrative practice with individuals, families and/or communities.

For more information, please contact or view the Participant Information Sheet.

This project is supervised by narrative therapists Chelsea Gardener and Hannah Stringer. UCL Ethics Approval Number 24391/001.


The use of narrative in therapy

Hello! My name is Aimee Lantzy, and I am pursuing a doctorate in education at Johns Hopkins University. My focus is on narratology and corporate learning. I am investigating the fields of law, therapy and medicine to glean how narrative is used within those sectors. I am hoping to interview experienced narrative therapy practitioners over the next 4 weeks. The time commitment is 90 minutes divided into two interviews conducted via Zoom. I would be so grateful to speak with you if you have interest and availability! I am happy to provide more information on my research as well. I can be reached at