Narrative practice and research: A special issue of The Qualitative Report

The Narrative Practice Research Network is excited to share this special issue of The Qualitative Report showcasing NPRN members’ innovative work at the intersections of narrative therapy/community work and qualitative research.
NPRN spent 12 months working with researchers and practitioners to develop this collection, beginning with a symposium at Dulwich Centre in December 2023.
Launch: special issue of The Qualitative Report on narrative practice and research

The Narrative Practice Research Network is excited to be launching our special issue of The Qualitative Report exploring the generative possibilities of applying narrative therapy and community work to the theory and practice of research.
Online event: In conversation with Professor Bagele Chilisa

Professor Bagele Chilisa is a globally renowned postcolonial scholar, researcher, author and educator who has written extensively about decolonizing research
methodologies. She will be speaking to narrative practitioner-researchers about her work and responding to questions from participants.